I took the Design Social Value in Board Game class this semester. In this class we will use the Grow-A-Game cards from the Values @ Play project to design and develop a board game at the end of the semester.
The idea to integrate social and moral values into games really get me excited. My goal this semester is to develop a fun game not only entertain player but also inspire them.
The Cards I picked
In the first class, we picked one card from each category. Here is the cards I got.
Atmosphere: Silence
Value: Access to Knowledge
Verb: Breathing
Challenge: Bureaucracy
Although I love the Medieval, Hard work, Feeding, Greed combination, I very happy with my cards too. Breathing fit well with Silence and the Bureaucracy is the perfect enemy of Access to Knowledge.
First Thought About The Game Mechanic
- The goal of the game is to gain more knowledge.
- There are two sides of the player. At first one side has more access to the knowledge than the other.
- The nomal way to get knowledge is slow but guaranteed. The other way to get the knowledge is fast but risky.
- In some points of the game. Player should all close their eyes, except the one who has chosen the quick way to gain the knowledge. Everyone try to be as quiet as possible, for the one who make a sound will be suspected...